Female symbols have been around since ancient times. They show the strength and caring nature of women. From the earth goddess to the Venus sign, women’s symbols are recognized throughout the world.

Lotus Flower
Symbol of spiritual enlightenment, rebirth, and the universe, prosperity, and fertility.

The lotus flower is a symbol in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Egyptian cultures. The lotus flower is found in the murk of rivers and ponds. It is a beautiful flower that closes at night and reopens, fresh and clean in the morning. This is why it is considered a symbol of rebirth. The rebirth is also connected to enlightenment in Buddhism. The Buddha can be found sitting on a lotus flower. This is because of all the times he had to be reborn before he became enlightened. The Egyptians believed that the lotus flower was a symbol of rebirth, also. There were lotus flowers scattered over Tutakahaman’s body. The Egyptians believed the sun god was born out of the primordial water by a lotus flower. In Hinduism, the lotus represents prosperity, beauty, spirituality, and fertility. Brahma the god of creation came out of a lotus that sprung from the navel of Lord Vishnu, the preserver god.
Triple moon
Symbol of feminine energy, enchantment, fertility, wisdom, and power

The triple moon symbol represents the maiden, mother, and crone. It also represents the waxing, waning, and full moon. High priestesses wore this symbol on their crowns. The maiden symbolizes enchantment. The mother symbolizes fertility, ripeness, and power. The crone represents wisdom. This symbol was used by Wiccans to represent the Goddess.
Symbol of sex, fertility, love, beauty desire, and prosperity.

The Venus symbol is recognized as a common symbol for females today. The symbol is a circle with a cross below. This symbol is used in biology and botany to represent the female sex. Venus was a Roman goddess who symbolized sex, fertility, love, beauty, desire, and prosperity. Venus was born from seafoam. She and Mars are Cupid’s parents. Venus had many lovers both mortal and immortal. She was a beautiful goddess and was desired by many.
Symbol of fertility, power, and creation.
Gaia was the personification of the Earth in Greek mythology. She is the ancestor of all life and is called Mother Earth. Gaia is the mother of the sky, the Titans, the Giants, and the sea. She also bore Bronte the Cyclops and other cyclopes. Gaia then gave birth to the many-eyed and many-headed Hecatonchires. She also gave birth to sea deities. When Zeus overthrew the Titans and blinded some of them Gaia gave birth to the Giants to overthrow Zeus. Gaia was the giver of dreams. She nourished young children and plants.
Symbol of fertility, death, and life.
Mokosh was a Slavic goddess. She protected women’s destinies and work. She watches over childbirth and is considered the Great Mother. Mokosh is a spinner and wanderer. She was worshiped in the 7th century BC as a ruler of death and fertility. Mokosh was abducted by Veles, the god of the underworld. She was married to Perun, the god of the sky, at the time. Perun pursued Veles around the world and used thunderbolts to chase him. Eventually, the order was restored and Perun banished Veles to the underworld. Mokosh is still considered a powerful life-giving force in Eastern Europe.
Spider Grandmother
Symbol of healing, wisdom, leadership, and protection.

The Spider Grandmother symbol is a spider surrounded by a web. The Spider Grandmother is found in Native American traditions. In Hopi mythology, Spider Grandmother takes the shape of a spider or an old woman. She provides medical cures and gives advice to people. She is a wise individual and leader. Spider Grandmother, the Earth Goddess, and Tawa, the sun god, created the earth together along with some other gods. They created man and woman and separated them into the four tribes. Spider Grandmother is also the Good Spirit. She guides people to the higher world. In one tale, Spider Grandmother saves a town by spinning a web over it. Witches were trying to burn the town down but the web stopped their flames. In Navajo mythology, Spider-Woman is a protector and helper of humans. In Pueblo traditions, Spider Old Woman was the goddess who populated the earth. In modern times Spider Grandmother has appeared in plays, a fantasy novel, and a feminist novel and book.
Symbol of fertility, luck, and help.
Umay is the Turkish goddess of fertility. Her symbol is the sun. She protects women and children. If a child is ill it is believed that Umay left. Shamans are brought in to bring Umay back. Women believe if they tie a string with a small cradle on it, Umay will bring them a child. Umay helps people obtain goods and food. She brings people luck. Umay is considered an Earth Goddess.
Symbol of love, fertility, beauty,

Freya is a goddess in Norse mythology. She was married to Odin. She seeks thrills and pleasure. Loki accused her of sleeping with all the gods. She is symbolic of love, fertility, and beauty. Freya wears the necklace Brisingaman. She owns a cloak of falcon feathers. These feathers enable someone to turn into something else. Freya loaned the cloak to Thor so he could find his stolen hammer. Freya has a chariot that is pulled by two cats. She is accompanied by Hildisvini, the boar. She rules over Folkvangr and lives there with half of the warriors who died in battle.
A Symbol of sexuality, motherhood, sky, sun, dance, and music.

Hathor was the daughter of the sun god Ra. She was one of the most important goddesses. She symbolized dance, music, sky, sun, motherhood, and sexuality. Her symbol is the horns of a cow with the sun between them. Hathor was a cow goddess and appeared with a cow’s head. If Hathor was close by, the moods of the Egyptians were joyful and fun. She is one of the oldest deities in Egyptian culture. Hathor is a mother goddess, she cares for women and protects them during childbirth.
Symbol of wisdom, and protection.

Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom. Her symbol is an owl. Athena was the daughter of Zeus. Athena taught people how to sew and weave. She taught humans about agriculture and metallurgy. She was the patron saint of Athens. Athena gave the Athenians the olive tree which helped with their economy and gave them wood, food, and oil to Athens. She was the goddess of the palace and protected the king. Athena represented the strategic side of war and led men into battle. She favored warriors and heroes who used intelligence and cunning.
Symbol of luck, destiny, chance, and fortune.

Tyche was a Greek goddess of fortune. Her symbol is the wheel. The wheel represents the wheel of fortune that turns and decides our fate. Tyche determined the destiny of Greek cities. She is the daughter of Aphrodite and Zeus. Droughts, floods, and frost were attributed to Tyche. She also stood for luck and chance. Tyche carried a horn that contained all the wealth and riches. She would occasionally tip it and give these to certain lucky people.