Goldfish – Throughout the different cultures all over the world, goldfish are considered the harbingers of prosperity, growth, wealth, power, long life, wisdom and peace. They are kept in bowls or ponds to bring good luck in homes and workplaces. Goldfish symbolize abundance, fertility, and harmony in life as one of the eight sacred symbols of Buddha. The ancient Egyptians believed them to be lucky omens who brought positivity in domestic situations, while the ancient Greeks domesticated them to enhance good luck in relationships and marriages. The Chinese and Japanese also associate goldfish with the growth and preservation of wealth and success. |
Acorn luck symbol – The acorn is considered to be an emblem of good luck, prosperity, youthfulness, and power; the acorn is a good luck symbol. The acorn may often also represent spiritual growth. The Norse believed that acorns displayed on a windowsill would protect a house from lightning. This may seem somewhat trivial to many of us today but back in the day, it was a widely accepted idea. |
Keys – Three keys worn together symbolize the unlocking of the doors to health, wealth and love. |
Rainbow – Rainbows are considered lucky by many people because most people know that if we find the end of the rainbow, we will find a nice big pot of gold. |
The Tursaansydan or Mursunsydan (“heart of the walrus”) is an ancient symbol used in Northern Europe. It was especially popular in Lapland. Some say it was used on Lappish shaman drums. The symbol originates from prehistoric times and incorporates a swastika.The tursaansydän was believed to bring good luck and protect from curses and was used as a decorative motif on wooden furniture and buildings in Finland. During the 18th century, the simple swastika became more popular in Finnish wood decoration than the more complex Tursaansydan. |
Dolphins are considered lucky by many peoples around the world, including the Ancient cultures of Greece, Sumer, Egypt, and Rome. For Christians and Native Americans, the dolphin is a symbol of protection, and its image is said to bring good luck. The belief comes from the known fact that ancient sailors who spent several months or years away from land found seeing dolphins swimming around their ships to be the first clear sign that land was near. |
Feathers are an ancient charm for bringing good luck, representing the soul’s journey to the other realm. |
Tigers have long been considered lucky in Chinese astrology. The tiger is also considered a protector against several evils, including being robbed and fired. |
Dreamcatchers, from the Native American culture, are considered to be good luck symbols because they catch the negative parts of our dreams. |
Amber – strengthens the aura and also balances the yin and yang. It attracts compassion, protects against evil influences and accidental injury and brings good luck. |
Hand – The Hand has been a good luck symbol in a number of cultures all over the world, including the Incas, Native Americans, Israelis, Greeks, and Arabs. Charms shaped like the human hand have been considered to be very potent heralds of good fortune. The symbol is seen as representative of domination, strength, protection and spiritual power. Ancient Europeans believed that holding hands up could protect against the evil eye (leading to the popular adage ‘talk to my hand’). In Islam, The Hand of Fatima (daughter of Muhammad) is a good luck charm, with the five fingers symbolic of faith, pilgrimage, prayer, fasting, and charity. The Jews believe that The Hand of Miriam’s charm would bring good fortune to the wearer. |
Ladybug Ladybug is a universal emblem of good luck, and different cultures worldwide have long considered it to be a harbinger of prosperity. It is believed that landing of a live ladybug on you or wearing a ladybug talisman will free you from all problems and make your wishes come true. Moreover, it is said that bad luck befalls the one who kills a ladybug.In the days of yore, farmers especially regarded the ladybug as a lucky omen and symbol of protection because it helped control the harmful pest population. |