Symbol of death, womb, the Self, and eternal life.

Caskets, or coffins, are used in some cultures as a place to put a body before burial. Caskets symbolize death, but they also have different symbolic meanings. In Ancient Greece, large clay pots called Pithoi were used to represent the womb in which the dead would be reborn. In Ancient Egypt, The sarcophagus was a symbol of rebirth and often had the goddess Nut painted on the inside of the lid to embrace the dead on their journey toward their new life.

In the Hindu culture, the casket is a symbol of the Self. In the Atharva-Veda, the casket is a symbol of the Self, the inner void that surrounds and protects from all aggression.

Casket Symbol

In Christianity, caskets represent eternal life. They are the structure that holds a person on their way to being reborn in eternal life. Different casket types hold different meanings. An oak casket symbolizes a full, long life. A pine casket represents luck and good fortune. A maple casket represents generosity and sweetness, and a mahogany casket represents security and safety.


Symbols Menu:

» Amulet

» Ajna

» Arsenic

» Merkaba

» Hung

» bindi

» Khanda

» Halo

» jiahu

» Tau

» Uraeus

» Menorah

» Tilaka

» Taijitu

» Vajra

» Chai

» Chi Rho

» Bagua

» Dragon

» Ichthus

» Hedjet

» Lauburu

» Om

» Ankh

» Chalice

» Maat

» Ogham

» Mandala

» Kartika

» Khamsa

» Heart

» Labrys

» Raven

» Scarab

» Dove

» Hanukia

» Anubis

» Durga

» Mezuzah

» Geruda

» Kinnara

» Quito

» Condor

» Falcon

» Makara

» Rosary

» Uluru

» Apsaras

» Hanuman

» Serpent

» Mercury

» Apex

» Vestra

» Yoni

» Astarte

» dakini

» Rebis

» Typhon