Mathematics is an exact science where there is no margin for error, no matter how minute. Mathematics is generally an abstract study of space, quantity, change, and structure. It is the science that resolves “what is true” or “what is false” with the use of formulations and patterns. In cosmology, the use of math symbols is differentiated from numerology, wherein the former deals with cosmic mathematical symbols while the latter deals with the study of numbers’ influence in one’s life.
What are some of the most commonly used math symbols? The (infinity sign) is a highly popular math symbol. This could be attributed to the fact that “infinity” symbolizes that which has no end, one that lasts forever. John Wallis came up with the concept of infinite things in 1655. The symbol was a deviation from an ancient symbol depicting a dragon chasing and wanting to eat its very own tail. People tend to be drawn to the idea of infinity as it can relate to infinite love, wealth, and all things right. |
Pi Sign
The (Pi) sign is a math symbol that relates to a transcendental or mystical number which does not really equate to a quantifiable extent or quantity or size. Mathematically expressed, Pi is the ratio of a given circle’s circumference to its diameter. Though Pi is roughly equal to 3.1416 for the sake of solving mathematical problems, its real value is a series of numbers that go on infinitely, as in 3.14159265358979323846… and on. Mystical Pi symbolizes the universe as Pi and the universe produces non-repeating patterns with no sequences whatsoever to make them identical. It has been said that the Pi symbol is a sinister Masonic sign that only the most elite in the hierarchy of secret masons know what terror lies behind the Pi sign. |
Sigma Sign
The (Sigma sign) is the 18th letter in the Greek alphabet. Mathematically, Sigma is a summation notation, which basically means “sum it up.” This math symbol was first used by Leonhard Euler, a Swiss mathematician, to represent the addition of a series of mathematical expressions. |
Golden Ratio
Another popular math symbol is the Golden Ratio, which is also called the divine proportion, golden section, or golden mean. It deals with the numbers involved in the ratios of distances, such as in the geometric shapes of a pentagram, pentagon, dodecahedron, and decagon. The divine proportion is symbolized by the figure Ø (Phi) or. |
Fibonacci Spiral
In conjunction with the Golden Ratio is the Fibonacci spiral, also identified as the golden spiral. The golden ratio and golden spiral are geometric ratios found in numerous structures and patterns in the universe. It is the perfect ratio, as exemplified by nature. This math symbol intends to add tranquillity and beauty to one’s life by being “one” with nature. |
Mobius Strip
The Mobius is another common math symbol. Its single facet signifies the harmonious merger of the inner self and the outer world. Its lone facet symbolizes unity and oneness, so the Mobius ring is now well-accepted wedding jewelry.
Derived from the Phoenician ‘daleth,’ Delta is the fourth letter in the Greek alphabet and has the value of 4 in the Greek numeral system. It is also a mathematical symbol representing change or a finite difference in any changeable quantity. The upper case Delta is shaped as an isosceles triangle. |