Sigil is a Latin term which refers to a type of pictorial signature of a demon. However, in its modern usage, this term is applied in the context of chaos magic that symbolizes the magician’s desired outcome. These symbols were designed for magical purposes, allowing a small proportion of people to create strong magical talismans. The work incorporated a regular ADF ritual format while adding other practical magic elements. While these symbols take root from the iconography of Indo-European paganism, they have since been labelled occult in style aimed to titillate one’s imagination.
The Sigil of the Cosmos

This particular sign adopts motifs from folk art with representations of the tree of life used in expressing the integral Indo-European concepts. The wheel represents the sign of Sky Powers, the turning, and the eternal order of the heavens. This symbol incorporates numerous sky gods of the Thunderers, gods of the sun, moon, and stars. The Hall of Lugh represents the pattern of the Great Hall of the Gods, the symbols of the quartering of the World of the enterprise of the Middle World. The Spiral signifies the underworld of powers, the flowing and unshaped potential of all beings. This is the sign of goddesses of the waters of the whirlpools and the deeps. Put together, they symbolize the order of the worlds, a protection from illnesses and an assertion of blessing.
The Gate Sigil

This symbol is the sign of the open gate and merges the trilithon symbol of the houses of the Gods, dead and Sidhe together with the magical sign of the Triskelion. Just like the base depicts, the power of this symbol stems from the union of fire and water.
Sigil Pendant and Ring
By the Artist David Weiztman
The Triskellion

This symbol represents all sacred triads: land, sea and sky, the underworld, mid realm and heavens, gods, dead and Sidhe. It signifies Manannan Mac Lir, the god of magic, Lord of journeys and finally, the keeper of the gates.
The Rune
This represents the magical alphabet of the Pagan Norse. It showcases key concepts of Germanic as well as Celtic magic.

Sign of the Dead/Spirits/Deities
This symbol represents the mighty ancestors watching and warding their descendants by whispering their wisdom to people’s blood. It also represents noble spirits and the deities who sustain and inspire.

The Eye and the Hand
This one represents humankind’s power in working magic. The eye symbolizes vision, while the hand represents the power of shaping.

Protection signs