Symbol of creation, existence, and power.

The Sigil of Lucifer originated in Grimoire of Truth published in Italy in the 16th century. It is the third sign of Lucifer in the Grimoiore and is based on a nine by nine magic square. Magic squares were used before the 16th century to create magic and symbolize many different things.

The Sigil of Lucifer contains an “X” which symbolizes power in this physical plane. The inverted triangle is a symbol for water and the “V” at the bottom symbolizes duality. The whole symbol looks like a chalice which represents creation.

The Sigil of Lucifer was originally drawn to represent Lucifer. Today it represents both Lucifer and Satan. When the symbol is colored blue or violet, it represents Lucifer. When it is colored red or orange it represents Satan.

The Sigil of Lucifer

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